After graduating from Faculty of Arts at Ljubljana University I decided to take up a masters course Strategic Marketing Communication at Faculty of Social Sciences. With a degree in languages (German and Japanese) I soon realised that the employment market demands additional skills (however helpful knowledge of languages may be), possibly connected with economics, management or marketing.
I chose the class New Media & Society, because I need to gather more knowledge about our »digital world« which is becoming more and more influential in everything we do. The internet and the endless possibilities it offers, changed our way of life and obviously also the rules of marketing. Basically one cannot imagine a company that would lack its own internet page or even internet store.
Personally, I'm not a computer addict or even a fan and still make a great use of a simple paper and pen. I have no real experiences in blogging, tweetting or facebooking, although I have my own accounts on each of the mentioned sites.
A topic that I would find interesting for further examination is the impact and influence the new media have on society, specially with recent political events in mind, the wiki leaks scandals and the Egyptian revolution (supposedly trigged by a facebook group). However I haven't thought of a specific topic or a research question yet.